BJoyStick() Help Reply
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Earl Colby Pottinger
2005-09-26 14:48:58 UTC
Thanks to all who answered.

Looking at the code that does work out there I notice to common things.

All the programs that work open the final BJoyStick() for one time only after
the user selected gameport. The BJoystick() is left open and never closed
until the program exits.

Additionally the test programs GameStick and StickIt use a Window()::Pulse()
to time when sampling is done.

Because of this I am going to break up my Scope program into multiple version
that are both Pulse() and non-Pulse() driven.

Calibration never seemed to work for the code I wrote, but reading the code
for StickIt it must be working otherwise that program's cursor would not move.

I will report the results of the diffirent versions as soon as I get the code

Earl Colby Pottinger
I make public email sent to me! Hydrogen Peroxide Rockets, OpenBeos,
SerialTransfer 3.0, RAMDISK, BoatBuilding, DIY TabletPC. What happened to
the time? http://webhome.idirect.com/~earlcp
Alexander G. M. Smith
2005-09-30 01:25:25 UTC
Post by Earl Colby Pottinger
I will report the results of the diffirent versions as soon as I get the
code done.
Hope you figure it out - and add a note to the Annotated BeBook if the
documentation is misleading. http://www.beunited.org/bebook/index.html

- Alex
Earl Colby Pottinger
2005-10-04 21:49:12 UTC
Post by Alexander G. M. Smith
Post by Earl Colby Pottinger
I will report the results of the diffirent versions as soon as I get the
code done.
Hope you figure it out - and add a note to the Annotated BeBook if the
documentation is misleading. http://www.beunited.org/bebook/index.html
I plan to. Addition I just picked up an USB joystick adapter, the purpose is
to test the BJoyStick() function on a Gameport() object. I am slow so it
will take some time but I hope to write code to test every single combination.

Earl Colby Pottinger
I make public email sent to me! Hydrogen Peroxide Rockets, OpenBeos,
SerialTransfer 3.0, RAMDISK, BoatBuilding, DIY TabletPC. What happened to
the time? http://webhome.idirect.com/~earlcp
Alexander G. M. Smith
2005-10-19 03:05:23 UTC
Post by Earl Colby Pottinger
I plan to. Addition I just picked up an USB joystick adapter, the purpose
is to test the BJoyStick() function on a Gameport() object. I am slow so
it will take some time but I hope to write code to test every single
By the way, I was able to get my Logitech USB gamepad (just digital buttons,
but lots of them) to work under BeOS R5 with the help of

- Alex
